Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Banana Nut Bread results. . .

After much anticipation waiting for the bananas to ripen, last night I completed the banana nut bread recipe. Just to recap for those just tuning in, I wanted to find a banana nut bread recipe that was healthy and didn't have any sugar or flour in the ingredients. Sure enough I found what I was looking for. I tested out the unknown and had a random group of people try it out, including myself. Eating with healthy ingredients does not take away from the flavor. Everyone was extremely excited about it and was asking for the recipe. I as a tester was astounded how much it tasted like any other banana nut bread recipe. The fact that it was healthy gave it bonus points in my book. So as I promised, if the recipe had a positive response I would share it with everyone.

Below is a link to the recipe. Please try it! Also, look for ways to make your own recipes and meal ideas more beneficial to your health. Don't be afraid to try new things.

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