In the car- We are limited to very little movement when we are in our vehicles. Take this time to meditate and focus on your breathing for stress relief. Also posture for your core strength is an important area to really think about. For information on how to work on your posture while you are driving take a look at this.
At your desk- We spend a third of our day, five days a week stuck at work. Standing up every so often to stretch can amp your energy. This can even work out kinks in your body that build up throughout the day. If you need some ideas for stretches or exercises to do, check out this link. Use your break times to walk around the building and use the stairs so you can burn calories. The weight will soon be melting off and you will have energy to finish each day strong.
In front of the television- The best answer is get away from television and do something active. If you absolutely cannot miss your nightly episodes, then get up and move while you watch. During commercials do combinations of floor exercises or stretching. When your show begins, try walking and jogging in place. Do that for one whole episode a few days a week and notice the change in your body. Here is a great link for different types of exercises that can be done at home.
Forty hours a week we sit at work. One to two hours of television per weeknight. Think about the hours we spend sitting in the car and lounging for no particular reason. After that, do you want to get up and move?
In the car- We are limited to very little movement when we are in our vehicles. Take this time to meditate and focus on your breathing for stress relief. Also posture for your core strength is an important area to really think about. For information on how to work on your posture while you are driving take a look at this.
At your desk- We spend a third of our day, five days a week stuck at work. Standing up every so often to stretch can amp your energy. This can even work out kinks in your body that build up throughout the day. If you need some ideas for stretches or exercises to do, check out this link. Use your break times to walk around the building and use the stairs so you can burn calories. The weight will soon be melting off and you will have energy to finish each day strong.
In front of the television- The best answer is get away from television and do something active. If you absolutely cannot miss your nightly episodes, then get up and move while you watch. During commercials do combinations of floor exercises or stretching. When your show begins, try walking and jogging in place. Do that for one whole episode a few days a week and notice the change in your body. Here is a great link for different types of exercises that can be done at home.
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